Peppa Pig Lost Tape

I was an intern for Peppa Pig. I got to watch the episodes half an hour before they were aired. The tape read "PEPPA PIG GOES TO COURT" in sharpie. So I started to watch.
The episode started with Peppa and George at home. The narrator said "Peppa is showing George innapropriate material on the internet." The narrator's voice sounded different. George was crying. 
"George dosen't like the innapropriate video." said the narrator again.
Peppa and George are home alone because Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are in court.
Mister Rabbit was wearing a Judge wig. 
"Now, Mummy Pig, you are saying you got a good look at the man who did this to you." 
"Yes, I did." said Mummy Pig.
"Can you point that person out in the courtroom." said Judge Rabbit.
Mummy Pig pointed to David Cameron.
The Judge banged his gavel and Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig beat the hell out of David Cameron. What a delightful episode.